If your parents or mentors are anything like mine, they may need lightly ( / seriously) convincing that you are ready to fly the nest and spend months on end across the other side of the world ‘trying new things’. With lots of experience working with parents and students, I have found that approaching the subject with ‘I have constructed a plan’ is the best place to start. Especially if the plan includes your own financial accountability - a gap year is about establishing a level of independence, after all.

So, my friend, let’s figure out how you are going to raise the funds to become an honorary member of the Maasai for 8 weeks whilst bolstering your CV with enough accomplishments to turn around and say ‘I told you so’ for life!
Download our planning cheat-sheet here. You can fill this out as you read the following.
Work for it

This might not seem appealing at first but getting a job is also a great experience in itself, and if it’s the right one, can be loads of fun with a new set of mates. A full-time role on minimum wage for 3 months would raise roughly £2952 (£49.20 per day, so £246 per week, roughly £984 a month). Minimum. “How on earth do I get a job?!” You ask. Here are a few ideas:
- Your school’s Careers Department just got more helpful than ever, go ask them
- Ask your parents, mentors, friends and family members to ask around. Think about what type of workplace you might like experience in and ask if anyone knows anyone.
- We have a range of suggestions for job placement opportunities; don’t be afraid to reach out and ask.
Become an entrepreneur

Creating an enterprise is easier than you think, and is something that can be carried on to earn some extra money when you’re back at uni. You could easily raise the equivalent part of working 3 days a week for 3 months based on minimum wage.
3 x £49.20 a day = £147.60 a week
x 4 = £590.40
x 3 = £1771.20
That’s an extra £1771.20.
Here are a few ideas of successful side-hustles:
- Sell artwork on postcards
- Go old-school and bake some cakes
- Design and sell t-shirts
- Wash cars
- Offer a dinner party waiting service
- Create online photo albums
- Set up a dog walking business

You are well over halfway to an 8-week trip! £4723.20 in 6 months (based on minimum wage only. This could be much more if you can negotiate a higher wage or work hard for extra tips)
Still struggling for money? Here are a few more ideas
- Some parents are willing to match some of the money that you earn (dream!). If not, read on…
- Work for longer than 3 months at full time
- Negotiate more than minimum wage
- Work in a city staying at a friend’s house for free (generally, the wage is much better but living costs are higher)

Remember, Culsans is a social impact travel experience, meaning that you may be able to ask interesting contacts to donate towards your experience. We have another article explaining where every penny of your Culsans trip will be going, which will act as a useful resource.
- Run a marathon
- Sell unwanted belongings on eBay
- There are Trusts and Grants you can apply for
- Throw a party or event, you could collaborate with some friends

If money is the only thing getting in the way of you making friends with the Maasai, climbing Mount Kenya, and impacting conversation hands-on, arrange a call with Florence. Let’s see what ideas we can come up with, together.